Being the Father and the Son

Jesus is both the Father and the Son in at least four ways: 1. He submits His will to His Father and He offers us new life. 2. He created the earth, then lived on it. 3. He is completely unified with HIs Father 4. His mortal body was subject to His spirit

Types and Shadows

A type is a copy of something. A shadow is a representation of something. It’s important not to confuse the type or the shadow with the thing itself. Abinadi taught that the law cannot save us, but it can point us to Christ, who can save us.

Hearing Hard Truths

Noah and his priests were angry with Abinadi and labeled him as “mad.” We use a variety of strategies to avoid accepting difficult messages. We attack the messenger, we respond emotionally, or we look for allies. In the end, it’s better to actually listen


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