“In the Strength of the Lord”

Zeniff and his people were able do defend themselves because they fought “in the strength of the Lord.” When they later relied on their own strength, they were conquered. We need God’s enabling power in order to overcome challenges and achieve our goals.

In the Wilderness

We can learn a lot about navigating our wildernesses from Zeniff and Limhi. 1. Wandering is expected. 2. You may find unexpected treasures along the way. 3. You may be better off than you were before. 4. You will be motivated to put your trust in God.

Limhi’s Psalm

When a search party arrived from Zarahemla, Limhi declared his faith in the form of a psalm. The psalm echoes the prophecies of Abinadi, explaining the consequences of rejecting God. But Limhi’s people now trusted in God and were led to safety and freedom


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