Alma 5-7 – “Have Ye Experienced This Mighty Change in Your Hearts?” (June 10-16)

Alma began a new series of sermons in his home town of Zarahemla. He asked the people a number of searching questions to help them evaluate the state of their own spiritual conversion, and he invited them to hear the voice of the good shepherd.

After setting the church in order in Zarahemla, Alma traveled to the city of Gideon, where he taught that the Savior can succor us because He has experienced our pains, afflictions, temptations, and infirmities. He expressed confidence in the people and blessed them that “the peace of God” might “rest upon [them]” (Alma 7:27).

Here are some lessons I’ve learned from these chapters:


  • Alma 5 – Alma invites the people of Zarahemla to reflect on the state of their conversion and recommit to follow the good shepherd.
  • Alma 6 – Alma ordains priests and elders and welcomes new members into the church.
  • Alma 7 – Alma teaches the people of Gideon that Jesus will experience our pains and weaknesses so that He will know how to succor us.

Key Themes

  1. If you can get your heart in the right place, good works will flow naturally.
  2. God can help us align our desires with what we know we should do.
  3. Jesus provides gentle and dedicated leadership, like a shepherd.
  4. Jesus understands our pains, afflictions, temptations, and infirmities.
  5. Equality is a core principle of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We must treat one another with dignity and respect.


  1. Paul wrote that as we behold the glory of God, we are changed into the same image by the Spirit of the Lord. (See 2 Corinthians 3:18.) Alma similarly asked the people of Zarahemla, “Have ye received his image in your countenance?” (Alma 5:14).
  2. Jesus called Himself the “good shepherd” (John 10: 11). Alma used that same title for him in Zarahemla. (See Alma 5:38, 41, 60.)
  3. The apostle Paul and Alma both encouraged us to be “temperate in all things.” (See 1 Corinthians 9:25, Alma 7:23, Alma 38:10.)
  4. James and Alma both encouraged us to be “easy to be entreated.” (See James 3:13-17, Alma 7:23.)


  1. Take time to remember what God has done for those who preceded you.
  2. Follow the Savior’s example of “succoring,” which is answering a distress call immediately.
  3. As a gospel teacher, use the scriptures, follow the Spirit, share testimony, and teach with authority.
  4. With God’s help, strip yourself of pride and envy.
  5. Be temperate in all things: restrained or moderate, avoiding excesses.
  6. Pray for all of God’s children, whether they are willing to receive your help or not.

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