Come, Follow Me

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints follow a curriculum called “Come, Follow Me” for gospel study in church classes, with their families, and as individuals. In 2024, I’m using this curriculum to structure my study of the Book of Mormon. Here’s how that works:

  • I follow the schedule given in the manual “Come, Follow Me—For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024.”
  • Each Sunday, I write an overview post, summarizing the reading, sharing some of my insights into that week’s assignment, and sharing relevant Book of Mormon passages and blog posts.
  • Monday through Saturday, I will write a post each day about themes from that week’s reading.

Here is a list of the weekly posts I’ve written so far. To read my weekly posts from prior years, go to the following links:

Weekly Overview Posts

Mosiah 7-10: “In the Strength of the Lord” (May 6-12)

1. Great leaders speak with confidence and hope. 2. We can change our circumstances by making better decisions. 3. Seers are also communicators. They learn and they share. 4. We should prepare physically and spiritually. 5. Anger can impair your judgment.

Mosiah 4-6: “A Mighty Change” (April 29-May 5)

1. God can purify you and change your heart. 2. Jesus makes it possible for us to be spiritually reborn. 3. Retain a remission of your sins through remembering, prayer, humility, and steadfastness. 4. Priests teach us and remind us of our covenants.

Jacob 5-7: The Lord Labors with Us (April 8-14)

1. God is patient with us as we learn to produce good fruit. 2. We can thrive even in unfavorable circumstances. 3. Strengthen your testimony to avoid being shaken. 4. We can receive revelation regularly. 5. Search the scriptures to experience peace.

2 Nephi 31-33: “This Is the Way” (March 18-24)

1. Jesus set the perfect example by being baptized. 2. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are one God. 3. The Holy Ghost can teach us far more than we can teach one another. 4. The gifts we receive from Jesus are individualized and personal.

2 Nephi 20-25: “We Rejoice in Christ” (March 4-10)

1. God loves the poor and the needy, and so should we. 2. We can be both recipients and conduits of the Savior’s power. 3. Turbulence can be redemptive. 4. God’s grace can give us relief from sorrow, fear, and bondage. 5. Jesus can heal all our wounds—physical and spiritual.

1 Nephi 1-5: “I Will Go and Do” (January 8-14)

1. Record-keeping is important. 2. God frequently sends “tender mercies.” 3. Hardened hearts result in poor decisions. 4. We can look forward with optimism to our promised land. 5. God sometimes lights the path before us only one step at a time.

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