Springless Bows and the Blame Game

Nephi's brothers blamed him for breaking his bow, but their own bows had previously "lost their springs." Blaming and complaining may have come naturally, but they were not helpful. We need to override those thought patterns and engage in positive action.

My Liahona

Like the pointers on the Liahona, the Holy Ghost can point us in the right direction. Like the writing on those pointers, the Holy Ghost can also provide specific messages. The Holy Ghost will guide us according to our faith, diligence and heed.

By Small Means

After describing the operation of the Liahona, Nephi tells us that God can accomplish great things by small means. In the same way, small but consistent interactions with our children can have an extraordinary positive impact in their lives.


Zoram's life was disrupted instantly, in the middle of the night. To his credit, he adapted to his new circumstances and became a great friend to Nephi. When our circumstances change, we can follow Zoram's example of adaptability and resilience.

“What Great Things”

Knowing what the Lord has done for prior generations can help us in 3 ways: 1. It provides a foundation for our faith. 2. It helps us recognize that apparently small miracles may be larger than we realize. 3. It keeps us humble and grateful.

“Him That Rebuketh in the Gate”

Nobody likes to be corrected. Our brains are really good at constructing arguments to prove that we are right. We bristle when we are chastised, and even if we are able to override the initial defensive instinct and be civil, we can't seem to escape the initial sting and the instinctive desire to ignore or... Continue Reading →

Joshua and the Book of Mormon

This week, I reviewed the book of Joshua, summarizing the content of each chapter and identifying related Book of Mormon passages. The book can be divided into four parts: The children of Israel prepare to enter the promised land (chapters 1-5)With divine intervention, they conquer various cities in the land of Canaan (chapters 6-12)Land is... Continue Reading →

His Hands Were Steady

Not long after the children of Israel escaped from the Egyptian army through the Red Sea, they confronted a new enemy. In a place called Rephidim, they were attacked by the Amalekites. God told Moses to stand on the top of a hill and hold up his rod—the same rod that he had held over... Continue Reading →

What Is It?

Shortly after passing through the Red Sea on dry ground, the children of Israel became hungry and worried aloud that they would starve to death. In response, God promised Moses, "Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you" (Exodus 16:4). The following day, as they emerged from their tents, they discovered scattered across the ground "a... Continue Reading →

Your Birthright

Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage (Genesis 25:29-34). We all know this. We might have to be reminded that "pottage" is a soup or a stew and that the original meaning of "mess" was a meal. But what's a birthright? The word only appears ten times in the Bible, always referring to... Continue Reading →

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