Jesus Quoting Abinadi

Jesus quoted Abinadi twice, once just before He was born, and once just after His death. Nephi, whose great-great-great-grandfather Alma had heard Abinadi speak those words, may have recognized this as an endorsement of Abinadi’s testimony.

Sackcloth and Ashes

The people of Ninevah dressed in sackcloth and sat in ashes to symbolize their penitence. As a result, God turned away the consequences Jonah had prophesied. Abinadi likewise urged his people to “repent in sackcloth and ashes,” but they did not.

“In the Strength of the Lord”

Zeniff and his people were able do defend themselves because they fought “in the strength of the Lord.” When they later relied on their own strength, they were conquered. We need God’s enabling power in order to overcome challenges and achieve our goals.


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