Christmas, Easter, and the Book of Mormon

The birth of Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection are prominently featured in the Book of Mormon. Christmas is important because of Easter. President Nelson taught that Easter is the most important religious observance for followers of Christ.


1. God is merciful. 2. He extends "arms of mercy" toward us. 3. The Savior's bowels are filled with mercy because of what He suffered. 4. He earned the right to offer us mercy. We claim that mercy by repenting. 5. Mercy is central to God's plan for us.

He Will Consecrate

In 2 Nephi, we learn that God will consecrate our afflictions, our performances, and our prayers for our benefit. We usually think of consecration as something we do, but we know that God can turn our offerings into something of far greater value.

The Lord of Hosts Hath Purposed

Isaiah assures us that God's purposes will be fulfilled. That may be hard to see in the middle of a difficult experience, but we can draw strength from our conviction that He is in charge and that He will intervene at the right time and in the right way.

Waiting for Clarity

Our brains crave certainty. When coupled with impatience, this urge can be harmful. It can cause us to settle for easy answers. Isaiah said, "I will wait upon the Lord." Faith in God includes trusting that He will eventually resolve all ambiguities.

Lehi and Jacob

Jacob learned from his father, Lehi: 1. Suffering can lead to blessings. 2. Jesus overcame sin and death. 3. The law enables both sin and righteousness. 4. The devil wants us to be miserable; God wants us to have joy. 5. We are free to choose.

Spiritually Minded

Paul and Jacob both taught, "To be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life." President Dallin H. Oaks explained that we view the world through a lens. We interpret our experiences very differently depending on the lens we choose.

Living After the Manner of Happiness

Nephi listed a number of his people did which helped them to live "after the manner of happiness" (2 Nephi 5:27). Some of those activities involved family, work, and temple worship. God wants us to participate in activities which will bring us happiness.

Merits and Mercy and Grace

Lehi explained that we can only return to God "through the merits, and mercy, and grace" of Jesus Christ. The second and third characteristics flow from the first: Jesus can extend mercy and grace to us because of his merits.

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