“He Is Risen”

Jesus prophesied that He would be killed and would rise again the third day. His disciples didn't understand, but angels later reminded them of this prophecy. Nephi wrote that Jesus would rise "with healing in his wings." He has power to heal each of us.

Christmas, Easter, and the Book of Mormon

The birth of Jesus Christ and His death and resurrection are prominently featured in the Book of Mormon. Christmas is important because of Easter. President Nelson taught that Easter is the most important religious observance for followers of Christ.

The Remnant Shall Return

Isaiah's prophecy about the remnant of Israel returning to God assures that no matter how far they are from home, they are not out of God's sight. Book of Mormon authors echo this sentiment: God is mindful of you, wherever you are, and you can come home.

The Own Due Time

Lehi told his family that their people would return to Jerusalem "in the own due time of the Lord." We are often in a hurry. When we know something needs to happen, we want it to happen now. God knows not only what needs to happen but also when. We can trust His timing.

Jesus Is the Christ

The Greek word Christos means "the Anointed One." It is the equivalent of the Hebrew word Mashiach (Messiah). Lehi taught his children that the Messiah would be the Savior of the World. Nephi and Mormon testified that Jesus is the Christ.

Vain Jangling – Part 2

One reason to avoid speculative topics is because they often lead to conflict. Sincere questions are good, but controversial questions can provoke unnecessary and unproductive disputes. Stay on solid ground by avoiding frivolous topics.

If With All Your Hearts

God will answer your prayers. Jesus promised that in the Sermon on the Mount: "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you" (Matthew 7:7, 3 Nephi 14:7). Moses taught the same principle to the children of Israel. After prophesying that they would one day turn away from... Continue Reading →


Based on: Psalm 90 Core message: We have to expand our perspective, even beyond our own lifetime, if we want to understand God better. Related Book of Mormon passage: Moroni 10:3

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