As Many as Would Hear Their Words – Alma 16:14

14 And as many as would hear their words, unto them they did impart the word of God, without any respect of persons, continually.

My favorite word in these verses is “continually.”  That is how we need to do missionary work — as a normal part of our everyday lives, not as a discrete activity. We need to be prepared to share the gospel at any time. 
I also think the phrase “without respect of persons” is important.  We know that God sees the hearts of those around us, while we see their outward appearance (1 Samuel 16:7). Therefore, we need to keep our minds open as we interact with others throughout the day and be careful not to ignore or exclude people who might be receptive to gospel messages regardless of their background, appearance, or lifestyle. The only distinction that matters in missionary work is between those who are willing to open their hearts and hear the word of God and those who are not.
Today, I will share gospel principles freely opportunity arises and as I am prompted by the Spirit. I will remember that, since I can’t see what is going on in the minds and hearts of the people around me, I should not artificially hold myself back from sharing the gospel with them. The truths of the gospel should be freely available to them, and the only barrier should be their willingness to listen. 

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